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Roving Volunteers in Christ's Service

A retirement plan like no other

Serving Christian ministries since 1977

Can you imagine yourself as a Roving Volunteer in Christ's Service?

Imagine! A retirement rich in travel and adventure, challenge and inspiration, purpose and satisfaction! You can find all this in a missionary service organization called RVICS (pronounced AR-VICS). Perhaps you have not been called to serve the Lord in Africa or minister to a primitive tribe in the South American jungle, but can you picture yourself as a Roving Volunteer in Christ's Service?

RVICS is a volunteer non-denominational Christian ministry with a heart to serve the Lord during the years leading up to retirement and beyond. Our missionary teams provide a wide variety of maintenance, service, and construction assistance to needy non-profit Christian organizations.

RVICS Folks...

Our missionaries live in their own self-contained RV's, serving on teams typically consisting of 8-12 missionaries.
Project hosts commit to providing RV parking sites with electricity, water, and sewer, free of charge. The project schedule allows generous time for recreation and relaxation.

Perhaps RVICS is just the retirement plan you have been looking for!

Ephesians 2:10 Scripture Reference

Interested in hosting
a project?

Do you have work that needs to be done but never seem to have the time or staff to do it?

Is your 'to-do' list longer than the month?

Have a remodeling project that needs some focused effort?

Do your facilities or grounds need some attention?

Consider hosting an RVICS team!

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