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Roving Volunteers in Christ's Service

A retirement plan like no other

Serving Christian ministries since 1977

Frequently Asked Questions

The questions and answers below will help give you a better idea of who we are and how we operate. If you don't see the answer for your question, please feel free to contact us.

  1. What makes up an RVICS team?
    • RVICS teams are generally consist of 8-12 missionaries, though some projects have only one or two missionaries.
      Trained team leaders are assigned to each project. They will coordinate all work with the ministry host, assign daily tasks to team members, and provide a link between the team and RVICS headquarters.
  2. How are RVICS missionaries assigned to projects?
    • Twice a year RVICS headquarters distributes a list of upcoming projects. Most months have several projects to choose from, and missionaries are asked to select a first, second, and third choice for each month in which they wish to serve.
      Based on these requests and the needs of the project hosts, headquarters staff assigns project teams. They strive to assign missionaries to their first choice, but this is not always possible due to the many factors that affect project assignment decisions.
  3. What kind of work will we be doing on the project?
    • Since projects are set up 7-12 months in advance, the type of work to be done at a given project may not be known until the project actually starts. As a result, many of our missionaries carry a wide range of tools with them (and maintain a rigid state of flexibility!).
  4. What type of work do the women do?
    • Women perform tasks like cleaning, painting, organizing, landscaping/gardening, some sewing, assisting in kitchens or offices, and sometimes assisting the men (depending on tasks and abilities).
  5. Do I need to bring my own tools?
    • Most project locations have the tools needed to perform the tasks assigned.
      However, many RVICS members bring their favorite hand and small power tools (drills, circular saws, oscillating saws, ...).
      That being said, RVICS men have been heard to say that if there is an empty spot in the rig, they didn't bring enough tools!
  6. We are a full time RVing family, and homeschool our children. Are we able to join RVICS?
    • Thank you for your interest in RVICS, however our work arrangements with the ministries we serve are not safe or suitable for children.
  7. We are not fully retired yet. May we join?
    • Absolutely! We would be happy to accept your application while you are semi-retired. Our members are encouraged to participate in as many projects as they are able.
  8. I am single. May I join?
    • Yes, you may! While RVICS consists mainly of couples, singles are also welcome to join, as long as they meet the requirements for acceptance.
  9. Can I bring my pet?
    • Yes, under certain conditions. Some of the ministries we serve allow pets, while others do not. Please review the RVICS Pet Policy for details.